June 21, 2010

Because I love him, and because his 30th birthday is just around the corner, there is now one of these babies in the living room. Yep, two turntables in the studio, and a sleek and sexy Rega P1 to lounge with. What a couple of spoiled brats.

5 Responses to “”

  1. thesilverlining Says:

    Lovely. Makes me want to start researching a new turntable, although I don’t necessarily need one.


  2. Of course you need one! (“Need” being relative…)

  3. thesilverlining Says:

    You’re right, let the browsing begin! Now the question is, do I stick with pro-ject or venture away…


  4. david john Says:

    man, maybe i need a turntable too!

  5. mrlunch Says:


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